Wednesday 17 August 2011

MSc - Information Technology Year I. Paper I. Term I

Lectures: 4 Hrs per week                                                                             Theory: 100 Marks
Practical: 4 Hrs per week                                                       Term Work / Practical: 50 Marks
Objective: In the last five decades digital computer simulation has developed from
infancy to a full-fledged discipline. The field of modeling and simulation is as diverse as of man. The application of simulation continues to expand, both in terms of extent to   which simulation is used and the range of applications. This course gives a comprehensive and state of art treatment of all the important aspects of a simulation study, including modeling, simulation software, model verification arid validation, input modeling.


1. Introduction to Simulation: System and System environment, Components of system, Type of systems, Type of models, Steps in simulation study, Advantages and Disadvantages of simulation.
2. Simulation Examples: Simulation of Queueing systems, Other examples of
simulation. 3. General Principles: Concepts of discrete event simulation, List processing, 4. Simulation Software: History of simulation software, Desirable software features,
       General-purpose simulation packages, Object oriented simulation, Trends in simulation
5. Statistical Models in Simulation: Useful statistical model, Discrete distribution,
       Continuous distribution, Poisson process, Empirical distribution.
  6. Queueing Models: Characteristics of Queueing systems, Queueing notations, Long
       run measures of performance of Queueing systems, Steady_state behavior of infinite
population Markovian models, Steady state behavior finite population model, Network
       of Queues.                                                                                           .                                                                              .
7. Random Number Generation: Properties of random numbers, Generation of pseudo
       random numbers, Techniques for generating random numbers, Tests for random
8. Random Variate Generation: Inverse transform technique, Convolution method,
       Acceptance rejection~techniques
  9. Input Modeling: Data Collection, Identifying the Distribution of data, Parameter
       estimation, Goodness of fit tests, Selection input model without data, Multivariate and
       Time series input models.
10. Verification and Validation of Simulation Model: Model building, Verification, and
       Validation, Verification of simulation models, Calibration and Validation of models.
11. Output Analysis for a Single Model: Types of simulations with respect to output
      analysis, Stochastic nature of output data, Measure of performance and their estimation,      
      Output analysis of terminating simulators, Output analysis for steady state simulation
12. Comparison and Evaluation of Alternative System Design: Comparison of two system 
      design, Comparison of several system design, Meta modeling, Optimization via simulation.

13. Case Studies: Simulation of manufacturing systems, Simulation of computer systems,

Simulation of super market, Simulation of pert network

Text Books:
Jerry Banks John Carson, Barry Nelson, David Nicol, "Discrete Event System

2. A verill Law, W. David Kelton, "Simulation Modeling and Analysis", McGRA W -HILL
Geffery Gordon, "System Simulation", PHI
2. Bernard Zeigler, Herbert Praehofer, Tag Gon Kim, "Theory of Modeling and

Simulation", Academic Press
3. Narsing Deo, "System Simulation with Digital Computer", PHI
4. D<?nald W. Body, "System Analysis and Modeling", Academic Press Harcourt India
W David Kelton, Randall Sadowski, Deborah Sadowski, "Simulation with Arena",


I. Term work should consist of at least 10 practical experiments/Assignments covering

the topics of the syllabus.

An oral examination is to be conducted based on the above syllabus.

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