Aim:- Image Enhancement Spatial Domain
MSc Computer Science Image Processing Practical No. 8
Index of all Practicals ~ Click Here
Code:- Edge_detection.m
On Command Window:-
numObjects =
MSc Computer Science Image Processing Practical No. 8
Index of all Practicals ~ Click Here
Code:- Edge_detection.m
clc;clear all;close all;
I = imread('rice.png');
background = imopen(I,strel('disk',15));
%strel->Create morphological structuring element.
I2 = imsubtract(I,background);
I3 = imadjust(I2, stretchlim(I2), [0 1]);
%stretchlim->Find limits to contrast stretch an image.
level = graythresh(I3);
%GRAYTHRESH->Compute global image threshold
BW1 = im2bw(I3,level);
%IM2BW ->Convert to binary image by thresholding.
[labeled,numObjects] = bwlabel(BW1,4);
%BWLABEL--> Label connected components in binary image.
RGB_label = label2rgb(labeled, @spring, 'c', 'shuffle');
% LABEL2RGB --> converts label matrix to RGB image.
figure, imshow(RGB_label);
graindata = regionprops(labeled,'basic');
% REGIONPROPS --> Measure properties of image regions.
allgrains = [graindata.Area];
figure, hist(allgrains,numObjects);
I = imread('rice.png');
background = imopen(I,strel('disk',15));
%strel->Create morphological structuring element.
I2 = imsubtract(I,background);
I3 = imadjust(I2, stretchlim(I2), [0 1]);
%stretchlim->Find limits to contrast stretch an image.
level = graythresh(I3);
%GRAYTHRESH->Compute global image threshold
BW1 = im2bw(I3,level);
%IM2BW ->Convert to binary image by thresholding.
[labeled,numObjects] = bwlabel(BW1,4);
%BWLABEL--> Label connected components in binary image.
RGB_label = label2rgb(labeled, @spring, 'c', 'shuffle');
% LABEL2RGB --> converts label matrix to RGB image.
figure, imshow(RGB_label);
graindata = regionprops(labeled,'basic');
% REGIONPROPS --> Measure properties of image regions.
allgrains = [graindata.Area];
figure, hist(allgrains,numObjects);
On Command Window:-
numObjects =
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