Thursday 22 December 2011

Model Sample Paper
                                                           Computer Application
Grade:  X                                                                             Max. Marks       : 100
Board : ICSE                                                                                       Time  : 2hr

SECTION - A  ( 40 Marks )

This paper is divided into two sections.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any four questions from Section B.

Q.1.     (a) How platform independency is achieved in java?                                                                [10]
            (b) Explain protected access specifier in java.
            (c) Write any two rules for naming variable.
            (d) What are the different parts of function ?
            (e) What are messages in java terms?

Q.2.     (a) Write the first line of class in Java called Product and define a boolean method sale() as a    [10]
                  member of the class
            (b) What are the main categories of data types in java?
            (c) How many operands does the ternary conditional operator take ?
            (d) Explain if-else-if construct with example.
(e) Give the output of the following program code
        int a = 10;
            while (++a<20) {
             if(a%3= = 0)

Q.3.     (a) Differentiate between formal and actual parameter                                                             [02]
            (b) Write java statements to perform the following tasks :
(i)                 convert int type variable (y) to float.
(ii)               check if a character (c) is a space (blank)                                                       [02]
(c) State the difference between compareTo() and equals() method.                                       [02]
(d) Write a statement to extract the last three characters of a word stored in the variable wd.  [02]
(e) What is the use of the keyword import.                                                                            [02]

Q.4.      (a) How does String class differ from StringBuffer class ?                                                      [02]
             (b) Name the package that contains class System.                                                                 [02]
             (c) Determine errors in the following statements of Java programs and correct them                [03]
                     (i)    int a[10] = {8,7,2,3,6,9};
                     (ii)  String x =  (“JAVA” , ”BlueJ”);
                     (iii)  char num[ ] = {2,3,4,5,6};
             (d) What is the need of implementing array concept in programming ?                                    [03]

SECTION - B  (  60 Marks )

Attempt any four questions from this Section.
The answers in this Section should consist of the Program in BlueJ environment with Java. Each program should be written using Variable description

Q.4.     Write a program to find the sum of the following series :
            1                      1                                                          1
        1*2*3              2*3*4                                            (n-2)*(n-1)*n

Q.5.     Write a program to input category of a person and compute his/her income tax belonging
             to one of the following category :
            Category         Taxable Income (Rs.)              Income Tax (Rs.)
            A                     below or equal to 50000         Nil
            B                     50001 to 60000                       10% of (Income - 50000)
            C                     60001 to 150000                     1000 + 15% of (Income - 60000)
            D                     above 150000                          15000 + 20% of (Income - 150000)

Q.6.     Write a program to print the following format :

Q.7.     Store the following numbers in two single dimensional arrays :
            A[ ] = 2,3,7,-8
            B[ ] = 9,-1,-4,6
            Write a program that merge A and B arrays in a third array C as follows :
            C[ ] = 2,9,3,-1,7,-4,-8,6                                                                                 [15]

Q.8.     Store final examination marks of 40 students in three subjects Maths , Science and Computer
            Applications in  array. Write a program in java to determine the following :
(i)                 Highest marks in Computer Applications
(ii)               Average marks obtained by each student                                                             [15]

Q.9.     Write a program to enter a string and convert its characters as given below:
             B/b -> A/a , C/c -> B/b , …….., Z/z -> Y/y  , A/a -> Z/z
              1 -> 0 , 2 -> 1 , ……… , 9 -> 8 , 0 -> 9
               blank (' ') -> $
             Rest of the characters should not change.
             For example :
             Input string :    I.C.S.E. Examination 2007
            Output string :   H.B.R.D.$Dwzlhmzshnm$1996                                                [15]


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