Tuesday 17 May 2011

This code shared by Umang Mistry (Vissanji Academy)X B.
This is a java program under the sub topic Function
this is to show an example on the topic calling (call by refrence)& returning

/*an example on the topic calling (call by refrence)& returning*/
public class chaining

{ public static int no1,no2;

   public static void main (int no11 , int no22)




       chaining mobj = new chaining();

       int res=mobj.add(mobj);//call by reference ***

        System.out.println("I M from add in main ="+res);


    public static int add (chaining mobj)//mobj is received ***


        int result = mobj.no1+mobj.no2;

        chaining addobj = new chaining();

        int res=addobj.add1(mobj);//call by reference ***

       System.out.println("I M from add1 in add ="+res);

                return result;


    public static int add1(chaining addobj)//addobj is recieved ***


        int result11 = addobj.no1+addobj.no2;

        chaining add1obj = new chaining();

        int res=add1obj.add2(add1obj);//call by reference ***

        System.out.println("I M from add2 in add1 ="+res);

               return result11;



    public static int add2(chaining add1obj)//add1obj is recieved ***


        int result111 = add1obj.no1+add1obj.no2;


                System.out.println("I M  in add2 ");

               return result111;



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